is anyone on this forum ?

does anyone use this forum

been stuck on copying images also if you use on of the show from here where do you past it to make work in phoenix 4 live

Your question

Dear Christopher Stone,

been stuck on copying images

Can you please describe more in detail what you are trying to do?
Which software do you use?
Where do you want to copy images to?

if you use on of the show from here where do you past it to make work in phoenix 4 live

You are talking about Pangolin QuickShow Shows? Pangolin BEYOND shows?
Shows from QuickShow or BEYOND can not be used in Phoenix4 Live. The same applies the other way round.

Kind regards

Please provide me with the registration code for Phoenix Showcontroller.


Please send me information from Pangolin.

Thank you,
Last edited by a moderator:
Hello Fausto, i have removed your email from public view to prevent spam bots of picking it up.

Regarding your request, i am afraid that we no longer support Phoenix showcontroller.
The platform reached its end of life.

We do offer a good deals to transfer to QuickShow or BEYOND, but for that, please contact. Sales (@) pangolin (.) com