CITP protocol between Lighting desk and Beyond?


New Member
Usually when you are using a media server and a lighting console, you can rich thumbnails from mediaserver to your console thanks to CITP/MSEX protocol.
Is it possible with beyond to use this same protocol? Or can we hope to implement that in the futur?
Thanks you
Hi Aboli,

This is on the planning. It does not have the highest priority, but this is what we like to introduce. However giving a real time table is not an option.

NOTE that im speaking of CITP Server support for BEYOND :)
im getting the following when trying to use ctip, im looking to pull images in to MPC / Onyx latest build

both apps are running on same PC range

CTIP connection problem
CTIP UDP network connection problem
Exception message: Permission denied (10013 in listen: Bind)
Error code 10013 - Permission denied
CITP with avolites titan V12 is working not sure it is all correct. Need to spend some more time to figure it out because now I'm triggering cue1 on page 1 but actually cue1 on page 6 is triggered. Maybe i have some setting mixed up. Thumbnails are showing but the wrong clips are being triggered. Actual output is not matching the Thumpnails
Hi Guys,

Zerowaitstate - it looks like you starting both application in same PC. In such cases appear problem when two apps need to receive data from same socket, what is not possible. one app will fail, it will be unable to bind the socket.I would recommend to use two computers.

Stok - There may be different types of problem behind. In fact, we are working on protocol correction with Avo developers. Appeared some difference in implementation (which is expected). I am a bit surprised that you were able to get any thumbnail, because Avolite require known GUID to be supplied by CITP to make association with exact personality type.

Anyway, problems has different type of roots. Zerowaitstate, please let me know how it works from different PC, Stokm we will publish new exe as soon as tune up will be finished.

Hi enot,
After starting a complete new show in avolites it is working perfectly. Titan V12 and the new fixture library which is provided with release12. Fixtures which are on the pangolin site don't work. Maybe the avo guys made a work arround? Not all thump are showing correctly and the thumpsize setting is not working but for now it will do. Good luck with further improving this part.

Thanks already


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Hi Guys,

Zerowaitstate - it looks like you starting both application in same PC. In such cases appear problem when two apps need to receive data from same socket, what is not possible. one app will fail, it will be unable to bind the socket.I would recommend to use two computers.

Stok - There may be different types of problem behind. In fact, we are working on protocol correction with Avo developers. Appeared some difference in implementation (which is expected). I am a bit surprised that you were able to get any thumbnail, because Avolite require known GUID to be supplied by CITP to make association with exact personality type.

Anyway, problems has different type of roots. Zerowaitstate, please let me know how it works from different PC, Stokm we will publish new exe as soon as tune up will be finished.


This was the problem. when running the Onyx and beyond on separate PC the issue was resolved, IE no error generated.

I did find in onyx i had to force CITP to look at the IP that beyond was working on before it listed in onyx, using broad cast all did not seem to see beyond (and beyond did not list onyx/maxy as a peer) ... I am using beyond in DMX server mode and using the beyond dmx server profile would i expect to get CITP images presented to the onyx console under this priofile or does it need to be using FB4 in artnet mode?
OK, just some extra information. First of all - thanks for contact :). Second - CITP has two separate subsystems - discovery and communication. Discovery based on Multicast. BEYOND subscribe to multicast messages on specified network connection (if possible), and use specified IP address. Note that CITP depending on version has two different IPs. So, detection is matter of IP and interface. Data communication based o TCP/IP, and BEYOND act like server. Console must connect and request images. If IP of BEYOND is known, and Port is in UI, then it make possible to connect to BEYOND even without discovery section of protocol.

If you are using version older than 4.0. 1297 then please use in-app Update menu to get latest build.

From BEYOND side - profile does not change much for BEYOND side. CITP module is pretty independent, and it does not change much how BEYOND is configured. All settings in CITP window.

My recommendation - ensure you have latest BEYOND Update. I will try to check how it works with Onyx.

I connected both beyond server and onyx console at separate PCs in the same network. Turned on CITP. Beyond and ONYX see each other, but no data transfered.
Laser works and controlled as FB4 39ch direcly via artnet. How make onyx understand what data should be transfered?
Just on an update to all of this. All shows as ok now on the same device, no error messages. I have reached out to Ofer Brum the onyx profile god, he feels the last profiles for FB3 / FB4 were made prior to Pangolin's implementation of CITPso don't know to look for CITP thumbnail, he has requested i put in a profile request and he will update the exisitng profiles . I will ppost back once i see working solution Beyond / Onyx ... excited to see this working in action