frame editor

  1. J

    Reducing number of points in a frame

    Hello everyone, I have created a frame using QuickTrace in QuickShow consisting of about 1000 points. Unfortunately, the scanrate of my laser doesn't seem to be made for such complex pictures, beacause I can clearly see the beam tracing the image. Even if I increase the Scanrate in the...
  2. K

    Resources for learning Advanced Frame Editor?

    Hi all, I've been learning Beyond and am specifically trying to learn more about the advanced frame editor to make frames and animations. A lot of it so far has been clicking buttons and figuring it out as I go, but I was wondering does anybody has any good tutorial links, threads, or other...
  3. U

    Edit Frame/ Animation How to cut lines?

    Hello I have used the Quicktrace to capture some grapgics and now I am going to clean out the crap. Is it possible if you have a line with points to cut those one line into two lines. I'm missing this funktion, sometimes you have to remove a very long line and redraw it, because you...