Beyond 5 on windwos 11 on an arm based mac mini 4 (UTM on sequoia 15.1.1)


Active Member
Hi guys

of course I read the documentation that Beyond doesn't run on arm based computers, but I did it after trying it :)
I'm surprised that it runs anyway, except that it can't find my FB3 with holds the license.
Windows device manager shows the flashback device but had no driver installed.
I tried to manually install the windows 7 driver via disabeling protection against non signed driver installations, but with no sucess.
Maybe reasoned by the pure fact that it would need a arm based driver.

Is this the only issue, and is it solvable even if not officially supported ?

Peter Krauspe
FB3 will not work on ARM, There is also no guarantee the software runs without problems on ARM. Computer specs require X64