CAPTURE of timeline animation from the preview window


CAPTURE of timeline animation from the preview window

Timeline} Create multiple tracks and multiple events.
At one point in the timeline, the output is stopped and the preview window shows a constellation of all elements.
QUESTION: How can a ‘Capture’ be created from this constellation in the preview window?

Note: In ‘GRID’ and ‘Multi Cue’ mode there is an option ‘Capture to clipboard’ - (does not work if cues contain animations). This function ‘Capture to clipboard’ is greyed out in the ‘Timeline’ mode in the preview window options (not selectable)
QUESTION: How can a ‘Capture’ be created from this constellation in the preview window of the timeline?
Hello ... use "File / Export Show" and you can render every part of your show as a sequence of qsbframes. Set a time range and the export-options .... thats all.

Good luck