Export to FB3 using QS5

Todd Moyer

New Member
Hey there,

I'm trying to upload a single cue to the SD card on an old FB3 and have it autoplay on startup. The problem is, QS only seems to be able to upload to FB4. Am I doing something wrong?

Can I manually copy the files created to the SD card on the FB3?

The file created on the hard drive is named 001.FB4Animation

Thanks in advance
Just giving this a bump because I haven't solved it yet. I did download the old LiveQUICK software, which would appear to be able to upload cues to the the FB3, however my custom content is in the form of a .qbsframes file and I haven't found a way to get it onto the FB3.

I could recreate the content, but I don't have any of the old content creation tools for the FB3. Can I download LA Freak (which came with my purchase)? That software suite had the tools I would need, if I remember correctly.

The content is 12 "hot beams" which move in a very particular way, for a projection-mapped, laser-mapped sculpture.

Invoice number 5605, 4/4/08