FB4 SD firmware issue


New Member
I use 2 FB4 controllers and I recently installed the latest version of Quickshow on a new laptop. QS immediately wanted to update the firmware on both FB4's. One went well, the other one crashed upon rebooting. Without SD card it the FB4 is recognised by QS, but as soon as i try to update the firmware it crashes. I tried reformatting the sd card, even to all kinds of FAT32 settings, and even another SD card.
The FB4 clearly has an issue with its SD card reader. Is there something like a factory reset?
Have you tried to put the sd card from another fb4 in the laser?
Yes i did. But that also does not resolve the problem. I even used theFB4 browser to manually put the correct folders on a newly FAT32 16gb formatted SD card. But as soon as i upload the firmware.fb4 file, the communication with QS is lost. (leds blink alternating green -> G Y R) After Removing the SD card the connection is reastablisched (without rebooting or cutting power) and QS tells me the FB4 needs a firmware update. Offcourse trying to update the FB4 without SDcard inserted results in "update failed"...