Ideas to improve timeline

I’ve mentioned some of these in the past and I keep saying to myself timeline would be so much better if it functioned more like a DAW. I use Cubase, however anyone who uses a DAW would appreciate the work flow more.

  1. The ability to quantize the show.
  2. The ability to copy paste as a repeat rather than having to manually copy paste. Eg click on the event you want to copy, using a shortcut to open a copy paste window, select / type the number of repeated pastes, then on enter, the event will be repeated required number of times. This also works great if you can quantize the show.
  3. Better resolution when zooming in to be able to follow audio waves better.
  4. Remove the few seconds free roll when using audio scroll as it can be hard to identify specific sounds in audio if you are not just looking for the beat. (Yes you can do the markers in Reaper, but I shouldn’t have to use Reaper to do this).
  5. The ability to import reaper markers in frame rate especially since most marker files are made at a specific frame rate and not in milliseconds.
  6. Also the ability to import Reaper markers without color data.

There is a lot more, however this alone would make a huge difference if it can be done.

Some of you who work with DAWs would appreciate this as a bare minimum.
Hello Craig,

Lets start from the end.
6. Ignore color - easy, just did it.
5. Frame rate? no idea how I can see that this is frame rate and where is frame rate. Sample files from Reaper has no any info in the file, that this is a frame rate based, not a time based. If you know how to detect it - send me sample, I will check here.
4. Not really understand. What might be related... with DAW companies, they keep all required audio on memory due to VST plugin chain they need to apply. We are not audio company, and operate with high level players, basically, not as close to audio as DAWs. We are laser guys, there we do as deep (or more) as audio companies for audio.
3. better audio resolution... now wameform simplified to 1ms resolution. It save memory. Technically, I dont have control over it, until we change AV engine. When? hehe, depends on tons of factors. Already considered, just depth is high to make is as DAW.
2. Repeat segments... original design had it... I did it for myself.... idea was blocked, well, happen sometimes.... will see
1. Quantize. What exactly it means? send some youtube link or user guide link so I can see what exactly you mean. I dont use Cubase myself, got stuck with other DAW.