Interlock Killing RAW 1.7 Projector Power


New Member

I'm honestly not quite sure where to post this, and I haven't seen anyone talk about this particular issue--

I've been running some shows the past week using a ClubMAX and a couple of RAW 1.7s. Everything except one RAW 1.7 seemed to be working fine. The one that I was concerned about was acting a little wonky, but when it came to running some of the shows, it seemed to be working fine and the scanning was practically the same as the other RAW 1.7. So I didn't really think much of it.

Yesterday, I did. Show at 1:00pm and everything started up fine and ran well for that show. Between then and 4:00 I was using all the scanners to tweak shows in Beyond before the 5:00 show. But right before I was about to open doors, I thought to double check that everything was working, and the wonky RAW 1.7 wasn't projecting anymore.

I troubleshooted--troubleshot?--a LOT of different things. I eventually found out that it was some how either becoming unresponsive or losing power (kinda) somewhere in the start up procedure. Eventually, I narrowed it down to RIGHT when I hit the start button on the Estop box, the RAW 1.7 acts like it looses power, and even seems like it's struggling to function sometimes after that point.

Everything in the start up process--up to the start button--is exactly the same as the other RAW 1.7. You wouldn't even think there was anything wrong with it up to that point. I can even actuate the interior shutter using Beyond before I hit the start button on the Estop (which is an ILDA connection).

I've tried different cords, different boxes, different methods of delivering a signal to the interlock--once something sends a single back to the interlock, the projector seems to go down. After that point, I can't actuate the interior shutter with Beyond anymore either.

It's still kind of a holiday weekend and I may perform more shows for New Years--I don't think I'll get any technical help from Pangolin or my 3rd party seller within that time. So I thought I'd check to see if I can get any suggestions or ideas from the forums.

I strongly suspect this is going to boil down to a problem with the projector itself and I'll have to swap it after the holidays, but I might as well see if anyone has encountered this before.

Thanks in advance!