Lasers on LED wall safety concerns


Active Member
I'm curious about how safe it is to terminate lasers on a LED wall. My concern is for potential damage to the LEDs, as each is basically a tiny plastic lens.

In our case we are using 2 Unity Elite Pro 5s, but we plan to add more lasers soon.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
You need to get to familiarize yourself with the equipment. We cannot say what is save and unsafe. There are just too many variables here.
Hi Bob,

Understandable. We are just trying to make sure we do our research before incorporating LED walls into our project, as we do a lot of laser effects that directly interact with the content that would be on the LED walls. I know many shows are terminating lasers on LED walls, but I was just curious if there are any unique best practices there, or known things to avoid beyond the obvious. It does not seem to be a topic discussed much anywhere.
