Mapping MIDI slider to cue Live Control

Todd Moyer

New Member
Is it possible to map a MIDI input to a live control parameter for a specific cue? I've looked, and it seems impossible in Quickshow.

Is it possible in Beyond, and if so, which version is needed? If not MIDI then DMX?

In an ideal world, you would go to any control in the QS interface > ctrl-click > Map to MIDI input > Learn... and presto!
This is not possible in QuickShow. This is possible in BEYOND in the latest version. I am not sure when we implemented that, but that is not relevant as BEYOND comes with free updates for life.
Thanks for the answer Bob.

By version I meant Essentials/Advanced/Ultimate. I guess you call those levels, not versions.
Correct. Version is the actual build number of the software. Version 5.0 4.0 etc.

Essentials you can use to map controllers,
Advanced you need to add pangoscript commands to midi controller layouts. This is probably what you want.