multiple dmx fixture select and control

I have created a fixture profile for an artfox matrix 7/7 in beyond ultimate 5.5 latest and added 8 fixtures. they all work individually and all show up in the zone window when it is shifted to the second tab on the right but I can not select more than one at a time, I have tried multigroup - wont work. I have tried dmx group - wont work. the variables selection from my fixtures ALL work in the universe with all types of sliders, x/y etc if connected directly, but not through a grouper and I am reasonably sure it should as it is same thing as directly setting a slider to a fixture channel ? . I however do not understand at all why I can not select more than one fixture at a time and operate on them together with the common controls I put in the fixture (like all lighting software does) It lets me select multiple 'zones' nested in the very same window and save selection set etc but not the DMX fixture`s I created. is this a bug ? need an answer or work around for this pretty quick if anyone is keen.


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    multi select.jpg
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Dear OneGreenMan,

I guess the answer is in your question. "like all lighting software does". The laser software is about content and not about the "light control". If you did not notice it yet - think about... what you see when application start, what you control, how you control, what of this are laser points and what are "parameters/attributes/properties" etc.

Anyway, I can point on various aspects, it will explain but will not help.

For the DMX Fixtures, from BEYOND 1 up to whatever exists now... the DMX Fixture considered as object with a state, which can be serialized into DMX values. From control standpoint, Fixture considered as Object. The Objects can be controlled from Object Animator, and from Script. That is your options of you want to operate with fixtures. The Object Animator allows to select multiple objects, and UI for that looks exactly like for Zone selection in Cue Properties. So, you select your fixtures, one "property" per object animator line, and define property value (key, wave, chase, etc).

Best Regards,
Yes thank you Alexey I worked some of this out since my post and is somewhat tied in with "what I thought Beyond could do" and I see that Multi groups seems to do this grouping well with what I have tried so far.