Navigating Pages with Launchpad MK2 and Flashing Cue LED


New Member
New to Beyond with the free 1 month trial, but I am currently creating a midi map for a Launchpad MK2. I am trying to use the 4 arrow buttons at the top of the controller to navigate pages and categories. The buttons are of the ControlChange type and when using the commands SelectPrev/NextTAB or SelectPrev/NextCat on them, they will switch tab when pressed down, as well as when you let go, so it will go in increments of 2. Is there something i can do to fix that. Even when trying to use a normal Note button it will switch twice...

Also, I own a APC40 MK1 and I am trying to replicate the flashing/pusling effect on a button when it is being played on my Launchpad map. But when looking at the APC40 map I cannot figure out how to make a button flash when it is beying played, only how to change the color of it.

Thanks for any help :))
I think that if you search the Pangolin cloud for launchpad, you can find a template. I am almost certain that it is working in there. I cannot imagine a better cheat sheet :)
I think I found the template you are talking about, but it seems the internal layout is different to a Launchpad MK2 because the buttons mapped are not where they should be, like the first cue (top left) will be on the 6th row and 7th button from the left on the launchpad. Also, unfortunatly there is only the MainGrid mapped, so there is no PangoScript or else to try and figure out how to do the page naviagtion. Maybe there is one out there that exist but I cant find one :(

I did find a "way" of doing what i wanted to do which is to use the WaitForMidi 0xB0, 0x68(up arrow on the MK2), -1 to trigger the SelectPrev/NextTab command only once. But then this way only does it when you let go of the button, i would much preffer when you press it down... but at least it works now!
Heres the script im using:
MidiOut 0xB0, 0x68, 0x7F
WaitForMidi 0xB0, 0x68, -1
MidiOut 0xB0, 0x68, 0x00
not the prettiest but it works
I finally found a solution i like!

Basically instead of using the Midi to Pangoscript tab to bind to the buttons, i am using 4 background scripts that each listen to their respective buttons and will now trigger the page navigation on a down press and not when letting go

As you can see here with the first script:
Codename "PageNavUp"

//Up Arrow
WaitForMidi 0xB0, 0x68, 0x7F
MidiOut 0xB0, 0x68, 0x7F
WaitForMidi 0xB0, 0x68, 0x00
MidiOut 0xB0, 0x68, 0x00

I tried doing a single script file but it wouldnt work past the first button so I had to make 4.
And I am using the Initialisation script to start those scripts :)! (I just copied the script file layout from the APC40 Mk1 advanced layout)

Heres what it would look like in the script tab:

I hope to finish this template before the end of the trial and plan on uploading it to the cloud if i like it enought so that people can use it :)

Thank you for your help!!!