There is standard "LiveControl" object that used in many places, such as Cues, Zones, or Master. The object incapsulate many parameters, such as FX, drop-effects, and so on. One of standard properties is Animation Speed. Animation Speed exists in all LC objects but used where is make sense.
The short version of story: we play Cue, we do not play Zone. When we start Cue, BEYOND create player that has parameter time. The Animation speed control the time motion. But main point – the is one Cue, one Player, and one Time.
You can control speed on Cue level. The Master level works together with Cue, both values are multiplied. But Zone level is something else. Cue produce one output for all zones. What means, Cue can not produce output with some speed for one zone, and with another speed for another zone.
Zone has own time accumulation for its own FX. This is what you can control.
In general, this is not a question of script, or universe. This is question of calculation path.
Why you want to control animation speed of zone? In any case, you can control the speed of something that has a state. You may open Master Tab at right and see the sliders that control speed in various places. This tab offer control of all main places, all layers, maybe except the fancy things like effects with own time that react on Events.
Tell me more about what you want, and we will see what can be done. If you need to run the same cue many times with different speed then this is one story. If the talk about various “time shift†things that this is another direction.
Best Regards,