PangoScript syntax



i want to change the AnimationSpeed of selected Zones (in Universe)
with an slider or wheel.
But i don't know the syntax to read out the value from an object (slider, wheel).

Is there any documentation about the PangoScript language out there?


if you just want to change the speed of a zone, why do you want to read out the slider?

Anyway. If you want to link the slider to the projection zone animation speed, just Link the fader in the "Link th external Object/Value" area to:
and replace <ZoneName> with the Name of the Zone to want to control.

Now if you want to read out the Value of the slider just make a Pangoscript with the following code.

var x;
x = var x;
x = <UniverseLayoutName>.Slider<Number>.Value // just replace the values in the <>, for example: x = Testlayout.Slider1.Value

now x contains the value of the slider.

Greetings Helyx
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Thanks for your answer.
I'll try it...

var x;
x = var x; <<-- this line is marked red ! So error ??
x = <UniverseLayoutName>.Slider<Number>.Value


// put your code below
var x;
x = TEST.Slider1.Value

ControlZone 1 // name as "Main Graphics", or zone number 1...N
AnimationSpeed x // degree

exit // do not remove EXIT

It doesn't work :-(
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x = var x;

is nosense. That was a copy paste mistake, sorry =)

var x;
x = <UniverseLayoutName>.Slider<Number>.Value // just replace the values in the <>, for example: x = Testlayout.Slider1.Value

is correct.

ControlZone 1 // name as "Main Graphics", or zone number 1...N
AnimationSpeed x // degree

Doesn't belong in this script, make a separate one for it (picture 1). You have to link it to the slider in the "Link th external Object/Value" area. See picture 2. In this example i've chosen MASTER, not a certain zone, for some trying to control the animation speed of a certain zone, doesnt work, other values like Position X do work. Idk if thats a bug or if i'm missing something.
But this is how it SHOULD work (picture 3 upper half)
The only point i dont get is why you can only execute the script once, if you try to execute it a 2nd time, it crashes ( see picture 3 lower half) :/
when i use an external script (outside of universe) it works fine.



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Thanks so far.
I also tried other values (like size) and they worked...

How do i link the created PangoScript (e.g. PangoScript1) to the slider?
Tried "TEST.PangoScript1.Value" -> nothing happens :-(

I have to control 3 Lasers (right, middle, left) with 2 Zones(HotBeams and Main) for each one.

Now i want to set the animationspeed for all HotBeam-Zones to 0 or pause them.
The 3 main zones should be untouched....

Thats it ;-)

P.S: There is no field to link Script to Slider :-(
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Thanks so far.
I also tried other values (like size) and they worked...

How do i link the created PangoScript (e.g. PangoScript1) to the slider?
Tried "TEST.PangoScript1.Value" -> nothing happens :-(

Why are you trying to do?

I have to control 3 Lasers (right, middle, left) with 2 Zones(HotBeams and Main) for each one.

Just create 6 slider with the method from above. (which actually SHOULD work, maybe we need to ask somebody from the pangolin team)

Now i want to set the animationspeed for all HotBeam-Zones to 0 or pause them.
The 3 main zones should be untouched....

ControlZone HotBeamZone 1
AnimationSpeed 0
ControlZone HotBeamZone 2
AnimationSpeed 0
ControlZone HotBeamZone 3
AnimationSpeed 0

ControlZone 1 // name as "Main Graphics", or zone number 1...N
AnimationSpeed x // degree
ControlZone HotBeamZone 1
AnimationSpeed 0
ControlZone HotBeamZone 2
AnimationSpeed 0
ControlZone HotBeamZone 3
AnimationSpeed 0

Thats a solution ! Thanks.
I only thought that i could use the "ControlSelZones" for more flexibility ;-)

Just create 6 slider with the method from above. (which actually SHOULD work, maybe we need to ask somebody from the pangolin team)
Problem is, that i want to control them simultaniously.

Doesn't belong in this script, make a separate one for it (picture 1). You have to link it to the slider in the "Link th external Object/Value" area
Link the script to the ?
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Problem is, that i want to control them simultaniously.

Just use your 6 fingers on your han.... oh wait.

If you want to control a parameter of multiple zones, you should create a slider and write this code in the PangoScript Area of the slider

// PangoScript code template
// .. put you initialization command here

exit // each section always should have EXIT command

// put your code below

RGBAthmo.PositionX = value //<ZoneName>.<Parameter>
SatAthmo.PositionX = value
exit // do not remove EXIT

// put your code below

exit // do not remove EXIT

// put your code below

exit // do not remove EXIT

But we have the same problem that everything but AnimationSpeed works.

Link the script to the ?

I was talking about linking the AnimationSpeed Fader to the slider. See picture 2. You have to write the object path in the "Link th external Object/Value" area
There is standard "LiveControl" object that used in many places, such as Cues, Zones, or Master. The object incapsulate many parameters, such as FX, drop-effects, and so on. One of standard properties is Animation Speed. Animation Speed exists in all LC objects but used where is make sense.

The short version of story: we play Cue, we do not play Zone. When we start Cue, BEYOND create player that has parameter time. The Animation speed control the time motion. But main point – the is one Cue, one Player, and one Time.
You can control speed on Cue level. The Master level works together with Cue, both values are multiplied. But Zone level is something else. Cue produce one output for all zones. What means, Cue can not produce output with some speed for one zone, and with another speed for another zone.

Zone has own time accumulation for its own FX. This is what you can control.

In general, this is not a question of script, or universe. This is question of calculation path.

Why you want to control animation speed of zone? In any case, you can control the speed of something that has a state. You may open Master Tab at right and see the sliders that control speed in various places. This tab offer control of all main places, all layers, maybe except the fancy things like effects with own time that react on Events.

Tell me more about what you want, and we will see what can be done. If you need to run the same cue many times with different speed then this is one story. If the talk about various “time shiftâ€￾ things that this is another direction.

Best Regards,

A simple way to get information about all objects and its properties is Object Tree window that represent all existing “top levelâ€￾ objects in BEYOND. The list is complete, and it parse the structure dynamically, in real time. This window use internal “registryâ€￾ for objects. The same “registryâ€￾ used in script, or Universe components, or for /b/ server of OSC. So, if you need to know name of object/property then I recommend to use this window (see screenshot)

Best Regards,



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thanks for your detailed answer.

I want to pause the animation on specified zones. -> animationspeed = 0
E.g. my hotbeam-zones should be static beams.

But the main zones have to move the normal way.

So a master isn't the right solution.
Yes, the master is not a solution. I recommend to look at this from this side. BEYOND calculate the output of "image" for some exact time. If you need two states (two different times), then you need two calculations. Two calculations... two players / two cues. Even if will be possible (it will) to play the one cue many times at once, then it still separate process.

In any case, it is not posible to pause zone.

In timeline you may consider to use two tracks, in grid - two cues, in livepro - two tracks.

Best Regards,

The zones i want to control (pause or animationspeed) are playing the same cue.
Can i read out the actuall playing cue of a zone in pangoscript
and change the parameters for this cue?