Quickshow Images being projected mirror image / back to front please help!!!


New Member
Hello everyone I am hoping someone will be able to help me with this issue I am having with Quickshow

All my images / animations are being projected in a reverse / mirror image which makes the text unreadable.

I have tried to find a solution but to no avail, I have a compatible Laserword 300g ILDA animation laser which displays the right way round when using standalone but as soon as I use quickshow the image gets flipped round :confused:

Please please please can anyone shed some light to why this is happening and a possible solution

Kindest Regards
I suspect there is a wiring discrepency on the ILDA connection of your projector. To fix this in software go into the projector settings (Settings->Projector settings) and chck the box next to invert X. -@
The image is not technically reversed by the mirror. It's just that our brains have a hard time making sense of the phenomenon where the light reflects straight back. Left is still left, and right is still right, but we struggle intuitively trying to make sense of it when its coming from the reflection there's nothing being reverse image.
I suspect there is a wiring discrepency on the ILDA connection of your projector. To fix this in software go into the projector settings (Settings->Projector settings) and chck the box next to invert X. -@
I had this issue. This fixed me! We are “Lasreing” again without having to lie and claim we’re simply “being sensitive to dyslexics…”