How do I do this reliably?
I have a laser cue and a DMX lighting cue on the same grid page. To get them to start simultaneously, I've tried Pangoscript so that when I click the laser cue, on CueStart I go
CueDown X,Y
This half works - it plays the DMX cue for a second then something stops it. No idea what. I've tried StartCue and StartCueMulti. Same result. Is there a better way to do this?
I have a laser cue and a DMX lighting cue on the same grid page. To get them to start simultaneously, I've tried Pangoscript so that when I click the laser cue, on CueStart I go
CueDown X,Y
This half works - it plays the DMX cue for a second then something stops it. No idea what. I've tried StartCue and StartCueMulti. Same result. Is there a better way to do this?