Start a laser cue and a DMX cue at the same time

How do I do this reliably?

I have a laser cue and a DMX lighting cue on the same grid page. To get them to start simultaneously, I've tried Pangoscript so that when I click the laser cue, on CueStart I go

CueDown X,Y

This half works - it plays the DMX cue for a second then something stops it. No idea what. I've tried StartCue and StartCueMulti. Same result. Is there a better way to do this?
Is it not easier to drag both of them in a QuickCapture and then execute the new Cue?
You can drag the new cue from the preview into the workspace grid and execute the new cue from there.


  • Scherm­afbeelding 2025-03-21 om 10.37.02.png
    Scherm­afbeelding 2025-03-21 om 10.37.02.png
    148.6 KB · Views: 6
Yeah, that worked!

Would be interesting to know why the DMX cue only plays for a short time with my original setup though. I had to use that method for starting a cue and a multi-effect because you can't capture multi-effects.
Assuming you had that cue in your workspace, I could imagine that the cue stopped playing once you triggered the next cue.
Assuming you had that cue in your workspace, I could imagine that the cue stopped playing once you triggered the next cue.
Not really.

Cue A: synthesised image
CueDown <page>, <index of B>

Cue B: DMX cue

Click A.
Both start.
B stops after a second or two

The capture works fine, but my method works if B isn't a DMX cue (worked for a Multi-Effect Cue as I said). So it would be good to know if this is a limitation of DMX cues, or a bug?