
  1. Garrett_502

    Problems with Autoplay list on fb4

    I'm trying to figure out the list autoplay function on the fb4 to play a set of cues sequentially in a loop. It seems pretty straight forward, but for some reason, it's just not doing it. I exported 4 cues in the autoplay list option and uploaded to the fb4. It plays the cues, but it doesn't...
  2. Garrett_502

    Multi-Zone, multi-projector shows with FB4 autoplay?

    I've been lead to believe that mutli-projector, and multi-zone shows can be played back from projectors that are each equipped with FB4's on the same network. Is this true? I can't seem to find any documentation, or even anyone discussing this. I want to know if I can trigger a show via dmx...
  3. D

    Exporting projections zones to SD card FB4

    How do I maintain projection zones associated with different tracks on a timeline in Beyond when exporting to fb4 sd card in stand alone? When I export my show to the sd card and the fb4 is set on auto play all of the geometric corrections from the different zones default to one of the...
  4. P

    VB6 programming project for Autoplay

    We are looking for someone with some Visual Basic 6 experience to modify LD2000's Autoplay function. The changes we would like range from simple (moving buttons and changing their size) to possibly making more of LD2000's core functionality available via the Autoplay window. If interested...