
  1. C

    How to add effect delay in synthesized image

    Hello all, I was wondering if there is a way to add an effect in synth image and add some kind of delay to the effect. For example, I want an effect to take place at the 6th beat after the cue trigger. Let's say that I want a wave effect to start on the 6th beat? how do I do that. (This is when...
  2. meeble

    Customizing my APC40 with Pangoscript help

    Hi, I'm currently using BEYOND: Build 557, and the latest 3.1 APC40 template. 1. Currently, when I hit any of the "Toggle Zone Output" buttons, they toggle on and off, which is fine in some cases. What if I wanted to set up the APC40 so that whenever I hit a zone button, all other...