3d text in quick text menu

If you want letters with depth, install and select a 3d'ish font, so you can create a 3d'ish scrolling text.

Otherwise you'll have to do fancy stuff in beyond 3d, which is not 'quick'.
If you want letters with depth, install and select a 3d'ish font, so you can create a 3d'ish scrolling text.

Otherwise you'll have to do fancy stuff in beyond 3d, which is not 'quick'.

Wow! Thank for you -@
Make text in beyond and convert it to an editable mesh.. subtract this text and it will be 3D. With 3ds max I have to mirror the whole mesh afterwards and weld but this might not be needed in beyond 3D..
Neither would you see the back anyway so it's ok in this case!

Hope this helps you!
I couldn't do it 3D scrolling text. I tried, but 3D font is not nice scanning and I did not want the characters to edit to edit.
Make text in beyond and convert it to an editable mesh.. subtract this text and it will be 3D. With 3ds max I have to mirror the whole mesh afterwards and weld but this might not be needed in beyond 3D..
Neither would you see the back anyway so it's ok in this case!

Hope this helps you!
Do you have a link to picture or movie, what you want the effect to look like ?

3d text takes at least 4 times as much points as just stick-type fonts, so you may want to adjust your expectations.
Here you are, I've thrown something together, you will have to adjust it to you taste. If you really want to make this yourself, you'll have to invest some serious time in B3D.


Thank you for the help :) Great!
Here you are, I've thrown something together, you will have to adjust it to you taste. If you really want to make this yourself, you'll have to invest some serious time in B3D.
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4 times as much with 3D text is only if you do a weird perspective view.
If you do just a front ortographic view it's fine and then you add 3D effects.
To improve the scanning go to the object point spacing tab in beyond 3D.. reduce all corner points by 1 but mostly you should focus on the autospace distance.. increase the values especially for straight lines