Any plans for Realizzer Pro to work with QS


Active Member

I just received a pretty exciting email about this new Realizzer software. I noticed the software only works with Beyond and there are plans/packages to upgrade from QS to Beyond.

Are there any future plans for Realizzer Pro to work with QS? Or is this a top tier product only available to the larger players.

It would be great to visualise shows ahead of time and not have to smoke out my entire apartment (with in built fire alarms), plus I am having to view shows via a web cam as I dont have any goggles.
External visualization is only a feature for LD2000 and BEYOND. There are no plans to move it to QuickShow.

You can put shower caps on your smoke alarms, use a BAM to make your beams safer, and move your projection zones up above your head so you don't have to watch via a web cam.