Bome Help
Thought I Had the APC40 MKII working fine with the trial version of Bomes MT.. but cant get it to work properly once I paid for the full version.
The port routing settings are a little more advanced than the trial version but I think i'm pointing it in pretty much the same direction.
Midi Input>APC40 mkII
Midi Output>Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out?
Quickshow Midi in is set to Bome Midi Translator 1
Just want to assign pads on the controller to keystrokes really and use the live control and shortcuts for a few of the other commands.
basically laying the pads up in the order they are on the screen, having the 1 to 8 pads controlling the page tabs.
looking at the event monitor in Bomes.. I press a key on the controller and the midi light flashes but the keystroke out light doesn't flash to say its outputting a keystroke.
does anyone have a bmtp file already setup? does that file also set up the midi in/outs as well as the translations.
I've spent hours on this so far and not been able to work it out. first time i've ever tried using midi.
The only way I can get the Akai unit to trigger anything in quickshow is to midi route the controller to the virtual out but this is just passing it through, the same way quickshow would react if I told it that the control was the controller and not Bomes MT