Beyond settings transfer approach


New Member

What is the advised way to transfer beyond settings between computers.

- I can export/import projector settings
- I can export/import zones

(although some bugs atm with both of above, quickshow to beyond, even beyond to beyond, beyond 5.2 1736)

- I can export/import midi settings

What is the best way to transfer all other settings which are not saved in workspace but configured in the
beyond GUI. I tried copying the entire system directory but that didn't work perfectly, also got some license issues afterwards ended up in full reinstall?

Copy the complete BEYOND directory from 1 pc to the other. Then everything is transferred. This is easiest when you are on BEYOND 5. The license is located in c:\pangolin so in this case you can transfer the complete BEYOND directory.
I think he is talking about how stuff like animation speed percentage settings dont transfer? On my work computer in a workspace I have the setting set to 200. I take the same file over do a different computer in the office, load the same workspace, and it loads with animation speed up to 400 as it was default and unchanged from first downloading the software on that computer.
Some things dont save over with the workspace