Connect Wysiwyg R36 to Pangolin's software

Hi guys,

i need help to connect Wysiwyg R36 to Pangolin's laser software (hardware QM2000)

I have placed one laser, i set pangolin source and dmx address 1.1 for dimmer control (with mini console) on laser configuration...

How can i visualise laser output on wyg??? whitch tipe of component i have to use for comunicate between visualiser and pangolin' software...

thank you
Hi Marco,

Pangolin use uniform communication with visualization software. Hopwever, each visualization software has own settings, and I recommend to check documentation.

Pangolin has 4 applications with support of visualization stream. Oldest are LivePRO and Visualization Gateway (LCGateway). The gateway should be used if you do your work in LD2000/ST2000. Third application is LCPlay. This application stream LDS files and independent from hardware. 4th application is BEYOND.

If you use BEYOND software then please check Pangolin`s youtube channel, it has video about visualization.

I will give you a link to latest LCPlay. It is simple application, great for test purpose.

Best Regards,