Copy Projektor Settings


Active Member
I've been working the last weeks on my PC setting up my two Projektors and my cues. When everything was ready, I copyed the workspace on a stick an then to the laptop. Starting QS on the Laptop. QS recognized the second Projektor and FB3 an said: Ok I use it with default settings. I dont want this, beacuse I`ve already defined all the zones, did all the Projektor settings etc. and now ist`s gone on the laptop. What do I have to copy, to get EVERY Setting from QS from my PC to my laptop? Pleas help me I'm going nuts.
I know you would have hand copy the 3 projector settings (scan size/location, scan rate, and color) but the Projection Zone settings have a File->Save option that you can use to save the zones setup to a file that you can move to other computers.