Diffraction Gratings using ILDA


Active Member

I have a laser with a Diffraction Grating:


My question is, how to turn the Diffraction Grating on/off from within BEYOND?

I did a search and nearest thread I could find in this forum was:
DMX Gratings in Live Pro

Can I turn on and off the Diffraction Grating with ILDA, or is this option only available via DMX?

Th CR laser website mentions ILDA : (url)

"Animation ILDA programs switch creative 2D grating effects make the original great programs more changeable"

Obviously that is quite vague and I've written to this company before, no word back so I thought I might have better luck asking here.
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The Ilda format does not support gratings.

Ilda is only meant as a delivery method.

In this case you will need to use DMX.
This is not a limitation on the software. This is a "limitation" of Ilda.

You will need to connect a DMX output to BEYOND,
ether an Enttec Pro USB DMX or Enttec ODE.

Then you can connect the laser through ILDA and DMX at the same time if the laser allows control by ILDA and DMX at the same time.
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You even answered questions I had as follow ups!

Nice one Bob I was already checking out the standard: http://www.ilda.com/technical.htm.

I will try DMX with my Entec USB2DMX at the same time as my ILDA is plugged and let you know if dual inputs work (on these particular lasers).

Fingers crossed.
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