Important: Counterfiet / Pirate software and hardware discovered


I bought a laser in combination with an QSFB3 from Last year my laser suddenly stopped working and I discovered that this was caused by a counterfeit product. Please be aware with buying QSFB3 hardware from any chinese laser supplier! I learned a valuable lesson.
Thanks for helping replacing this counterfeit product with a genuine one from Pangolin!
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I bought a pangolin FB3QS on aliexpress from LH-LASER Official store in July 2017. at some point, that is to say, to date, the laser no longer projects me I feel it starts working but it has no light output and the fbr led flashes yellow / Orange. tried on 3 pc with the latest version both windows 10 and 7 but nothing. then I contacted pangolin and after explaining everything and showing photos and serial it was found to be counterfeit. now i should ship to them and they will have to make me an offer for a new fb3. But I don't know if at this point spending more money to buy a new one is convenient for me ... using it every now and then
В 2016 году я купил 5 контроллеров fb3 у китайской фирмы LH-laser ( Нам клялись, что они ваши официальные дилеры!
Последние 5 лет мы использовали программу Quick Show, каждый раз скачивали все обновления и не испытывали никаких проблем с ПО.
Но после последнего обновления мы увидели на наших контроллерах надпись «Внимание! Неоригинальный товар».
Итак, уважаемые коллеги, никогда не доверяйте китайскому продавцу! Они будут клясться, что продают только оригинальные товары, что являются официальными дистрибьюторами ... Это только ложь!
И, откровенно говоря, там лазеры очень низкого качества. Через 3 месяца возникло много неприятностей.
Я никогда не заплачу Китаю ни цента!
I bought my FB3 with Quickshow 2014 via Aliexpress in a shop that no longer exists today. Since I run the laser shows as a hobby for smaller events, I was looking for a cheap software for my own building laser, and so came to Pangolin.Quickshow has fascinated me from the beginning and I never believed that the Fb3 and the software was a pirated copy. Two years ago I bought a second laser with Quickshow and FB4 at a certified dealer and last year I bought Beyond directly from Pangolin. The FB3 from China could no longer be registered in the Beyond, I turned to pangolin and was clarified about the forgeries from China.I am of course annoyed to have fallen for the favorable offer in China and hope that pangolin can put these fraudsters to work! I send the fake FB3 to Florida and hope that I get a cheap offer for a new one, continue running my hobby and advertise for pangolin!
Hola soy de Chile punta arenas y compre el FB3 estaba muy contento y por ser una región muy aislada al final del continente me costo muy caro lo compre a una empresa que vende láser acá en Chile lo use como 3 mese lo actualice al 5.0 y dejo de funcionar, me comunique con pangolin y me dicen que es falso. eso se lo comunique al vendedor y ya no me contesta a si que lo enviare a pangolin a EEUU para ver que se puede hacer y denuncien a estos piratas ojala me vaya bien

claudio oyarzo
punta arenas
Herkese merhaba;
I bought my FB3QS via Aliexpress from a store called BAIYI LIGHT Manufacturer Store and it stopped working some time ago. After I reached out to Pangolin support service I found out that my FB3QS is counterfeit . I highly recommend tho buy this products from pangolin directly. I have been told that if i send my counterfeit FB3QS to Pangolin, I could get a discount to purchase original one. Thanks for helping replacing this counterfeit product with genuine one from Pangolin. I hope pangolin can prevent more of these fake boxes from being sold. And i hope Pangolin’s lawyers will go after them and succeed. We are ready to give any support needed.

I'm a new victim as well to add on the list.
I bought my FB3 controller together with a brand new laser for a laserman show at LH Laser company.
At first it was working fine and the packaging is really well copied
after a couple of months it failed and I discover through Pangolin that I've contacted that it was a counterfeit.
I had to cancel a show as it happens 3 days before
now planning to get a genuine one even if I have to wait a bit longer to receive it back in France.
Guys, be careful with products sold from China you may earn a bit of money but not on a long term perspective!!
Best regards!
I am also victim of aliexpress seller, Guangzhou Nixiya Garment Co, LTD, Jennifer chen, NO 18-59, Shiliugang road, haozhu Area, Guangzhou
The FB3 QS box broke down after 1 and a half years of use. Flee china

I am about to buy FB4 from Shenzen Optlaser. Seemed like they buy the real thing from Pangolin and then assemble all the wires and connections in a box themselves which makes it cheaper. Now I am not so sure.
Can anyone confirm this is fake or if they do actually have any connection with original Pangolin? The FB4 inside (which is not clearly visible in this picture) is indistinguishable from the real one, but that was true for the fake FB3 as well.
Good afternoon. A little over a year ago, l became a victim of scammers who, under the guise of an official seller, sell counterfeit QS FB3 products. In total, l bought two FB3 controllers from two different sellers on the all express marketplace. I am sending a photo so that no one else can buy a fake from these dishonest sellers.
Добрый день. Чуть более года назад я стал жертвой мошейников, которыу под видом официального продавца реализуют продукцию QS FB3. Всего купил я два контроллера у двух разных продавцов на торговой площадке алиэкспресс. Высылаю фото этих продавцов для того, что бы больше ни кто не смог купить подделку у этих нечесных продавцов.


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