Laser/Projector settings in QS


Active Member
I would like to use QS with a y cable where the show is running with one RGB projector & 2 green projector. Now, after going through video tutorial, I see that in the initial setup, we have to tell QS what lasers are being used - green, RGB or RGV, now in the above scenario; what are the parameters or what color projector do I setup the QS & will I get the desired results on all the 3 projectors .
Any help will be appreciated.:)
Splitting the signal will give the same signal to each laser

You can set it to an RGB palette then your RGB projector will work fine
And your Green projectors will show only the green part of the frames
You can set it to a green palette then your RGB projector will show all the frames in white
And your Green projectors will show all the frames in green