license for beyond


New Member
Good day. Acquired a Beyond license, how is a license attached? to the computer or to the controller? Can I use the program on another computer?
Hi, Danil!
The license file must be copied to the folder with Beyond.
The license is tied to your controller number.
If you want to move to another computer, you will also need to copy the license file to that new computer

Here you can see more about it
Thank you, that is, I must carefully store the license and controller file.)) As I understand it, with a controller other than Fb3, the beyond will not start? and I can’t go to fb4?
Yeah, sure! You need to save the license file in a safe place.
And without a controller, you won't be able to output to a laser projector at all.
The license is bound to only one controller. It doesn't matter FB3 or FB4.
But to run Beyond, the controller to which the license is bound must be connected to the computer.
You can work with FB4, but FB3 must also be present
Good afternoon. I want to sell my laser system and fb3 controller.
How can I unbind the license beyond from the controller and save it so that in the future I can bind it to the new fb4 controller?
Hi, Danil!
Sorry, but it's impossible unbind the license from the controller.
You can sell FB3 along with the license or keep it for yourself for further work.