New font for text


Hi ! After exhausting the use of the default text font, I would like to find new fonts to work some text projection. I had hard time and did not succeed on modification of text fonts. Where could I find other text font ? Can any one send me another possibilities ? How to advance on this ? Lasercube have already put 100's of fonts ready to be used. Would be nice to be able to work on Beyond some good messages.
Hi ! After exhausting the use of the default text font, I would like to find new fonts to work some text projection. I had hard time and did not succeed on modification of text fonts. Where could I find other text font ? Can any one send me another possibilities ? How to advance on this ? Lasercube have already put 100's of fonts ready to be used. Would be nice to be able to work on Beyond some good messages.
Hi Fluxus,

I've once started working on a new font, for beambrush mostly however but never finished it because making fonts is a serious endeavour.

I would as suggested try out a couple of TTF and see which ones work, note them down for future reference.
Some may show as weird icons however so do give it a try before!