Newbie question (are there any online user made libraries?)


I am a newbie to this whole world. Quickshow looks very good. Are there any online user made libraries of objects?
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Thank you. It states on the home page .." QM2000, FB3 or Phoenix serial number" is required. Is it not accessible if I just have QuickShow? Also would QuickShow be the best way into the world of laser tech? This is for amateurish use for our village/schools. Thank you.
Your QuickShow is powered by a FB3..
Just enter the serial thats on the back.

The FB3 and FB4 is available with QuickShow and BEYOND. :)
OK thank you again Bob. So if I understand it, an FB3 hardware interface (that uses USB to connect to your computer) comes as the "base" but you can upgrade to an FB4 or other types for additional cost? Is it down to a speed issue or are there additional capabilities? Is there a place on your website that lists the various interfaces side by side for a direct comparison (tick list or whatever)?

The fb3 is a USB based controller that by default comes with QuickShow
The FB4 is a Ethernet device that by default comes with QuickShow.

For both devices there is an upgrade for BEYOND available.

The FB4 is a newer design than the FB3 but also uses another platform.
1 for USB , 1 for Ethernet.

Thats the real difference.
If your starting in the laser industry, and you don't want to buy a laser with the FB4 inside, it might be easier to start with a FB3.

The differences between the controllers are not lined out in any table.

But I think the 2 following links will help;

Information regarding the FB3:

Information regarding the FB4:
Hi Eric,

I think this got a little bit off topic. What Bob is trying to say in one of his earlier posts, is that if you look on the bottom of the FB3, you should see a number. The number probably has at least 5 digits, but it might also be 4 digits or 6 digits.

When creating an account on the PangolinShows portal, this number is important.

Please see this picture which may help to clarify things.
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