OSC to Channel problem


New Member

Im trying to automate some different shapes (using MaxMSP), with OSC. I want to send some numbers from Max to different channels in Beyond that I can then use to automate different elements.

The problem i'm having is when I send to different channels the only output in Beyond is on channel 1. This happens if I send on any channel 1...255, they appear on the OSC monitor and look like they are being read by Beyond in the right format but whatever the channel number targeted only the slider on channel1 moves.

i'm sending this: /beyond/channel/x/0.000 with a float 0-1

this is what comes up in the monitor:, #466050: /beyond/channels/2 (f) 0.377
but only channel 1 moves

I can send OSC to control things like brightness fine (which uses an int 0-100) so i know that the OSC/network part is working ok.
Any ideas? Do you think it could be something i'm doing with the addressing?
I've tried sending it from another client program with the same result.


Thanks for question. //beyond/channel service made for receiving array of channels, like DMX. You can send multiple values at once, always starting from Channel 1. Value range is 0...1. You cannot address one single channel with this service, but there is another way - Object Tree.

You can access channel from script with this syntax.
channels[2].value = 0.5

Equal version of OSC command is:
/b/channels/1/value 0.2

Object Tree window give you two versions of syntax. In example above, 1 is channel index, 0.2 is channel value.

I really recommend to take a look at Object Tree window. This subsystem appeared later than OSC, but is more progressive and cover more than hard-coded OSC services.

Best Regards,


  • ObjectTree.png
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Hi Alexey!

It works!
Thanks for that and explaining the structure :p. I haven't seen OSC structured like that before but i guess it makes sense seeing that it comes from DMX formatting . The object tree version is much neater instead of sending a long string of numbers. Also a bit more friendly for sending from other software than max too. I'll have a dig around with the object tree, that looks useful.
