
  1. Josephallen

    OSC to Pangoscript Value Range

    Hi there! Currently working on an OSC setup where the range from our midi sends 0.1-1 and is being sent to beyond to control the percentage value of faders. Currently we are only able to make it activate and go full 100% with no control of the range. Currently we have obs...
  2. Nathan Smith

    How to access Projector Settings (Scan Rate) with OSC address?

    Hi all, I'm running Touchdesigner as my control for Pangolin into Beyond. I can successfully change settings via OSC (enable/disable output etc) I just need a way to dynamically change the projector settings properties (sample rate, min and max) Is this possible? Thanks
  3. M

    osc fb4 commands

    Does anyone know what the magic button does? I hope it gives the laser flavor or something. kvant_magic_button
  4. C

    Free Open Stage Control OSC Template

    A free Beyond OSC Template for the use with Open Stage Control. Download Open Stage Control (https://openstagecontrol.ammd.net/) Download the Beyond.json file (link below) Open the session file with Open Stage Control Control Beyond from any computer, tablet, phone in your network Download...
  5. D

    Unexpected OSC behavior for SelectNextPage SelectPrevPage

    Hello, I'm creating a template for Beyond for my Lemur, and I've noticed some strange behavior when trying to select cue pages via OSC. Beyond 4 Build 1320 Windows Firewall is disabled OSC Target: /beyond/general/SelectPrevPage Expected behavior: select the previous page Actual behavior...
  6. nor

    Made a TouchOSC layout for Beyond

    I made a TouchOSC layout for Beyond. It´s a work in progress, with some private logic and stupid jokes and small bugs, but it´s just for learning. Sharing just because sharing is good, if anyone´s interested. The setup is, two faders for two zones, since I´m a video guy who likes layers with...
  7. D

    Beyond to receive OSC

    I have several concerns, some urgent, others less so. Our laser show is designed to project subtitles. We wrote a script for QLab, which reads the subtitles and ejects them as OSC messages based on the timecode position. To create and test the show, a demo version of Beyond ran in Essentials...
  8. D

    Text enable scrolling with OSC

    When i take a look at the object-tree there is no parameter for enableing/disabling the scrolling of my text-object. am i missing something? thanks
  9. S

    OSC to Channel problem

    Hi, Im trying to automate some different shapes (using MaxMSP), with OSC. I want to send some numbers from Max to different channels in Beyond that I can then use to automate different elements. The problem i'm having is when I send to different channels the only output in Beyond is on...
  10. T

    Bitfocus Companion and Beyond

    Hi guys I am trying to use a stream DeckXL with Beyond, to trigger the FX tab, but I can't find out how. I have read almost any thread here regarding OSC, but still don't know how it works. I know absolutely nothing about scripting, OSC commands and so on, and the more I read the more confused...
  11. Bob@Pangolin

    BEYOND & (Touch)OSC

    Short introduction into OSC: The template used in the video above is attached to this thread. Additional hints & notes: - Sometimes TouchOSC will not find your machine. Go to the previous window and re-open "add template". - If nothing is found, you can try to set the destination network...
  12. Robert DiAddezio

    Not able to pass OSC arguments

    We are trying to send OSC commands via a VB control panel and have not been able to successfully execute any command that requires an argument. An example (attached screenshot 2) shows the successful exection of the following command: /beyond/master/blackout However, the following commands...
  13. J

    OSC and multicue problems

    Hi, I am currently trying to set up a installation using 5 independent laserprojectors. Usinge a new Beta of Beyond4. Using Max/Msp, I am generating OSC cues to controll the content on the different lasers. /beyond/general/StartCue "CueName" /beyond/general/EndCue "CueName" There are several...
  14. lorenzopompei

    OSC CUE trigger

    Hello everyone. Where i could find the exact procedure for OSC cue triggering?:confused: I have search in different tutorial but i didn't find any sources about OSC Is there any examples files showing the correct script? Thanks u Best
  15. meeble

    triggering QuickFX in BEYOND with midi or OSC?

    Is it possible to trigger QuickFX in BEYOND with midi or OSC messages? If so, how?