Performance Tuning -- What is it?

Chris Harris

Active Member
Can anyone help me understand the Performance Tuning settings in Beyond?

I have experienced the following:

- At Laser Dome in Seattle, we had 10 laser projectors (7 beams, 2 graphics, and 1 lumia). With Performance Tuning set to "Optimum" we would have smooth PC performance and beautiful beam performance, but certain types of laser graphics looked terrible coming off of the projector. Specifically dense and/or fast-moving abstract graphics would appear choppy and broken at this setting. When we switched to "Maximum" in the Performance Tuning window, abstract graphics projected properly and looked gorgeous, but then some of the beams would occasionally flicker for no obvious reason (computer system performance seemed fine).

- I'm able to duplicate the problems with laser graphics in my home studio with only two controllers (FB3 & FB4) and one laser projector. At the Maximum setting, my laser graphics look gorgeous. At the Optimum setting, the faster and denser graphics don't project properly.

- Interestingly, the same graphics that look bad projected from Beyond at the Optimum setting, look absolutely fine projected from QuickShow, which doesn't have a Performance Tuning setting.

Is the Performance Tuning setting supposed to help accommodate for underpowered computer systems?

I want to run a system that can fully perform at the maximum setting with up to 10 projectors and be able to expect smooth, beautiful projections from both graphics projectors and beams. Is there a minimum PC spec that will allow me to accomplish this?

As it currently stands, if I set the Performance Tuning to "Maximum", then close the Performance Tuning window, then enable laser output, the system automatically switches from "Maximum" to "Optimum."
