Play next que before playing all frames in current que


Hi, I'm doing laser shows in India and I have a question about quickshow. Sometimes I like to turn the scan rate and animation speed right down to produce a flickering effect on a semi complicated frame.
But as the song I'm doing it to reaches its climax and the beat drops back in and I hit another frame to go with the tune, it doesn't go straight to the next frame until it has finished drawing all frames in the current que.
Is there a setting to make it go straight to the next que even if it hasn't finished drawing all the frames in the current que? Or is this a buffer issue that resides in the fb3?
Hey Graham; can you send me a coupule of screen shots on how you have this set up on a timeline and possibly a short unlisted youtube video? I am having problems visualizing it. :eek:
Hi Aaron.
The internet is rubbish here in India so to upload a video would bring me I to old age.
To reproduce do this.
Pic an animation que that has many frames in it and is fairly complicated.
Next, turn the animation speed right down as far as it goes (25%)
Then punch another que in the pallet.
It will continue to draw the first que until all frames have been drawn and THEN go to the next que you selected.

Hope you can do it like that.

What I'd like to see is the next que being played immediately.
