

Hello everyone, I really want to know what ProTrack1-8 is for. I got a copy of ProTrackSpeed in the Beyond cloud. Every fader in the Universe is linked to ProTrackSpeed, but I can't test it at all


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Pro tracks is an ultimate feature only.

Pro tracks is another method to use BEYOND. This allows you to use multiple "players" at the same time. The advantage is that every pro track can have its own frame, time, effect, and destination. The disadvantage is that every track has its own time, so they are not persay in sync.
I added a pattern in Timeline mode and set the track to ProTrack1 and then added a pushrod to Universe bound to ProTrack1.ColorSlider to test this and I got the result but when I changed it to ProTrack1.AnimationSpeed I couldn't control the speed of the pattern . And do I want to allocate patterns with ProTrack1-8 to achieve individual control of some patterns only by adding patterns to the timeline and then saving the timeline to import the program