Quickshow Timeline Limit


New Member
It seems that the quickshow timeline can extend past 1 hour, but the scroll bar at the bottom won't scroll past 1 hour.

I am trying to do a complete 2 hour show pre-mixed. Thoughts?
Thank you for pointing this out. I think you should be able to go over an hour but will verify if any timeline limits have been placed into QuickShow.
Thank you for pointing this out. I think you should be able to go over an hour but will verify if any timeline limits have been placed into QuickShow.

This is the behavior I am seeing.


I recognize there is likely very little I can do about it at this point, but just wanted to point it out. I wish I could afford the better software as it clearly does a lot more of the things I want.
Yes, there is a 1 hour timelimit in QuickShow for Quick Timeline. This will be extended to 2 hours in the next update/build of QuickShow.