

Well-Known Member
I am creating a universe button to start a cue in a protrack and steer that protrack to a set of zones.

I am having no luck with the command SetProTrackZones. Documentation shows it takes single or multiple arguments.

Please show me how I would direct ProTrack 2 to zones Left11 and Right11

Currently trying:

SelectProTrack 2
SetProTrackZones 2, "Left11","Right11"
StartCue 1,1

Cue starts in correct ProTrack but output for ProTrack doesn't change.
Thanks for pointing on. There is a mistake in the code.Coming build should work fine. Contact me, I will give a link for test.

The first argument of command is index of ProTrack, range 1 to 8 (or a name of protrack). Second and other arguments are indexed or names of projection zones. If argument string then it is name, if argument number then index (1 based).
