Split one cue into multiple zones on the single projector


New Member
Could I Split one cue into multiple zones on the single projector to skip obsticuls for back projection view? For example:

i have for windows which has frames around it so if you look into it from outside (while you doing projection from inside) you will see missing image parts cause of frame obsticuls , but if you would take into acount there is a frames around, you may scale a picture in that way....or thats not possible ?

Best regads,
Domas Zelionis
Just make my question more clear...I am not suffering of lack of scanrate, as i can do all that area as one cue 30k with no flickering...so I assume that should not be an issue, but if i just show graphics sometimes its looses context if you watch it from a back side, so i am trying just to add some spacing into it - to make it more understable.....i hope you get my point....thanks....

Domas Zelionis