Start Show on GrandMA2 with Artnet


i had to start a Show on a GrandMA with Artnet.
I program a show in my timeline. Beyond control the Laser and play the audio file.

How can I start the lightshow on the GrandMA? Had I to add a cue in my timeline to start it?

Thank you very much!
Are you using a custom Art-net to pangoscipt?
This will be needed for what you're trying to do.
The timeline is normally not directly accessible from DMX.
Hi Bob.
I use the essentials version of Beyond.
I think I couldn't use the pangoscript, right?
Is it possible to start my show in Beyond from a GrandMA by timecode?
Maybe you can save your show. Go to your Greed and open the show in a cue. Now you can trigger the show with DMX