OK. Yes, correct, place is important. Lets consider it from the other angle. Cue contain come Image that produce frame stream. After that we Effec+FX+LiveControl in Cue. In addition to that we have Master, what is FX+LiveControl. And, we have FX+LiveControl for each Zone, what is 3rd place of control. So, we 3 almost similar places where can be injected a control.
Effect/FX is a list of operations, a sequence of operations. Separation on Cue, Master,Zone level is somewhat theoretical. The path might be considered differently. There is Image that make/produce/generate points, and after that we have a sequence of filters (read effects). So, from one side we have one long sequence of optional filters. We may concentrate big number of filters in one place and decrease in the other.
There is 4 step construction: ProTrack, Cue, Master and Zone. So, even more. You can add one more control points, that work between Cue and Zone - Universe. It is a container of Effects. In total, we have at least 5 logical blocks.
It is not a problem for me to make it bigger. The question is how much you can keep in your head in live situations, and why existing control points are not good enough.