Universe pad in preview area (build 618)


Under configuration and also under the universe window I see reference to "Universe pad in preview area". But I can't seem to turn it on, if I check the box in configuration and save, it doesn't appear and unchecks the next time I open configuration.

I'd love to use such a feature, as I have the bottom set of encoders on my apc40, linked to universe pages on the right area universe window, and can flip between pages using the buttons below the encoder set.

I'd love to have a second universe page, such as around the preview area to link to the top set of encoders and buttons, so this feature sounds exactly what I'm looking for.

But I can't seem to get it working, is it still in the process of implementation or am I doing something wrong ?


Hi Miles,

Thanks for pointing on. This problem already fixed and should work well in coming build.

Best Regards,
