Using QM2000.NET with Beyond but without installing LD2000


Beta Tester

now as import of LD2000-shows is possible in Beyond, I sent my QM2000 to Francesco to modificate it into QM2000.NET (very good service!!).

Using a laptop now for lasershows, I want to install as little software as possible to be as safe as possible (yes, i know that LD 2000 is very stable, but if I don´t need it for creating, editing and playing shows, why should I install it? ;)

So is it possible to use QM2000.NET in Beyond without installing the complete LD2000 suite?
Maybe with only using some certain files like LD2000.DLL, LD2000.ini and the colour palettes (that I already have from the PC I created them)?
Or is it mandatory to have all LD2k software installed?
