Web cam Tracer BUG

Sid Sloth

Well-Known Member
I found in the latest update of beyond the tracer window doesnt have the function trace buttons on the GUI only select feed.
Am i missing something.
This part is under reconstruction and will be available in version 2.1. The model that BEYOND had before is limited in functionality. The plan is to make it much more flexible. I will be able to tell about details after finish of rework. Sorry for temporary inconvenience.

Best Regards,
HI Alexey, wil i have the ability to record content to a cue so i can make the animation/trace and call back at a later date?
fantastic mate cant wait to try it have loads ideas for it :) wanna use to intor out international dj's at events with a face over the dj with a scrim and voice rather than a drawn face and voice
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