I have seen a number of threads similar to this about wireless networking and thought this one fit my scenario the best.
I run a ubiquiti Ethernet bridge and it has done amazing with the FB4 units I own. I also have four FB3’s. I purchased a USB over IP unit from “cool drives” AnyplaceUSB-S4. It has a max data transfer rate of 480mbps.
With the FB4, units over the wireless bridge, there is no jitter, flicker, or control latency. When the FB3 are connected with the USB over IP device, there is no control latency, but there is a flicker every few seconds where it seems to have a drop in the connection from Beyond to the FB3.
Further, when taking the USB over IP unit off of the wireless bridge and connecting the Ethernet direct to the show laptop, the flicker is still there but just not as pronounced.
My questions are as follows:
1. Could it be due to the 480mbps transfer max on the USB over IP that is causing this flicker/loss of consistent connection?
2. Is is the limitation of the FB3 units as USB2.0 components?
3. If a gigabit usb over ip device was used, is it possible it would eliminate this flicker?
i have done research into the digi and startech brands but have not made the final decision to make it happen yet.
I realize 100% that the FB4 is the best way to go, but honestly I am not trying to part ways with any of my control units quite yet. I have to build more capital to not only replace the FB3 but the units as well. Afterall, why would I double my price per unit going from FB3 to FB4 and still have to deal with an external unit vs waiting and upgrading to units with internal FB4s.
Any experience, direction, and suggestions are greatly appreciated!!