multiple projectors

  1. Garrett_502

    Multi-Zone, multi-projector shows with FB4 autoplay?

    I've been lead to believe that mutli-projector, and multi-zone shows can be played back from projectors that are each equipped with FB4's on the same network. Is this true? I can't seem to find any documentation, or even anyone discussing this. I want to know if I can trigger a show via dmx...
  2. Y

    4x CS-1000rgb + 1x FB3-QS = Multiple Projections?

    Hello all, We're looking for some detailed advise and hopefully get this resolved. We have QS and have been using it for over a year with 2x CS-1000rgb's to project simple beams, animations, text etc however we recently purchased a further 2 CS-1000rgb's bringing the total to 4 systems, now...
  3. B

    How do I make multiple projectors act as one?

    I think it is called a zone chase. I am fairly certain that there is already a thread on this but I couldn't find it.