PangoScript running into the next day


New Member
I am new to the Script side of Beyond and am trying to figure out if I can have a show run at a set time, then do it again the next day without having to come back and press play on the machine to do it again. This is what I have and it seems to work, but having to wait 24 hours to see if the time reset works, well I figured I would see if anyone else got it figured out first.

WaitForTime 0,0,30,0 // hours, minutes, seconds, ms
WaitForTime 0,0,35,0 // hours, minutes, seconds, ms
WaitForTime 0,1,0,0 // hours, minutes, seconds, ms
WaitForTime 23,59,59,59 // hours, minutes, seconds, ms
I think this should be added to something Beyond can do honestly.

What is a reason to not do this is BEYOND?

BEYOND is not a clock. It's not wise to use BEYOND as judge, jury and executioner.
It's better to use an external dedicated time based application for this.

Windows scheduler for example.