Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out what ProTracks are? lol There's nothing in the documentation and no tutorials referencing ProTracks, yet I see this new stuff regarding "proTrack effects" in B2.1 Anyone?
I don't know, this video is help for you, but maybe:getting back into protracks again. I got the zone routing figured out better. I got the 1st cue in each track figured out. After that I'm pretty lost.
Is there a settings menu for tracks? I keep having my cues routed as cue 1 in the first check mark box. How do I enter more cues? Also it sounds like I can do things with effects, but not sure
how to set that up, or control. (I wasn't a livepro person, was doing beyond with live control) I still want to learn about protools, as I think it might be an asset for live operation, and pangoscripting.
Looking around for any videos or documentation. I bet I'm doing something really dumb like clicking and dragging when I'm supposed to be double clicking or something.