
  1. D

    Support for creating Lasershow for my lw 800 RGB Pro

    Hi guys, I recently bought the lw 800 RGB showlaser + Pangolin Quickshow. I also have created a Trance soundfile where I would like to create a lasershow exactly matching to the beats. I have seen that Pangolin offers a time line to create a lasershow. However for playing the...
  2. P

    No laser output the Quickshow

    Hi, I have the following setup: Laser Show Quickshow Pangolin Flash Back 3 USB interface. 2.5W ILDA Laser, full colour, I think digital. I think maybe 30,000 Hz. The laser works fine in Automatic Mode and Music Mode. But when I connect laser to the FB3 it doesn’t show any images/lasers at...
  3. H

    Problem with framerate

    Hi, Im currently working on a project that I need to combine my laser output image with a projected short film. Though the framerate of my short film is 60 fps. Is there any way to play my frame in laserShow Designer 2000 with same framerate? Where can I adjust this value. Thankyou :-) Cynthia
  4. Garrett_502

    Experience With Lasershow VST?

    I'm interested in doing some rotoscope stuff with the VST software. I haven't been able to find much info about this. I'm wondering what sort of hardware is gonna work best (cameras, video card, interfaces). I realize that this software is a little outdated, and that some of the modern...
  5. D

    Creating Writeout FX in LD and showtime HELP!

    Hi I want to create some simple writeout fx in LD/showtime. So far I am doing the following: In LD, im drawing e.g. a circle then going to write out FX and selecting the required type of writeout and then saving the frame. Then I'm opening the frame in Showtime inserting the frame into the...