
  1. C

    How to add effect delay in synthesized image

    Hello all, I was wondering if there is a way to add an effect in synth image and add some kind of delay to the effect. For example, I want an effect to take place at the 6th beat after the cue trigger. Let's say that I want a wave effect to start on the 6th beat? how do I do that. (This is when...
  2. R

    Chase Effect to not listen to master speed

    Hey, so I am pretty new to Beyond and I have created a chase effect as a QuickFX as a first effect. Is there any way to get this effect to listen to the slider associated with the QuickFX and not with the master speed that controls the cue speed? Thanks for the help guys! Sorry if the...
  3. diogo terra vargas

    Using Audio From Timeline to control effect parameters

    I'm wondering if is possible to use the audio from my timeline to control the effect parameters. I saw this question was done in the Pangolin Forum in 2015, and the Pangolin team answered that it would be available soon. Is it already possible?
  4. P

    Quick FX Color Overrides Brightness effect within a cue.

    I have a brightness effect that I made within the advanced image synthesizer. When I apply a quick fx color, it removes that effect. I can change the color within the cue and it still show the effect. How do I stop this override from quick fx?
  5. M

    Help to Effect to Flash Laser Like a Strobe

    Hi, I've been using Quickshow for only a short time and I'm struggling to build an Effect to create a fast flashing ON/OFF strobe like effect for cues. The best I came up with so far is to use a brightness effects using 0 and 100% but this give animated gradient transitions rather than the...
  6. Garrett_502

    HOW TO? - multi-zone brightness chase sweeping effect

    I'm trying to figure out a way to make a specific effect... In this video, at approximately 1:08, the great Derek Garbos uses an effect where a cue's brightness sweeps back and forth between projector zones. i'm trying to figure out if this is achieved with a zone chase, or time shifting...
  7. Garrett_502

    Using Audio From Timeline to control effect parameters

    I'm wondering if there's a simple way to use the audio from my timeline to control the effect parameters. Obviously, Beyond allows the use of audio input, but it's mostly geared towards "live" functionality with external audio. I'm sure I can probably find some kind of software that will allow...
  8. meeble

    Effect for inverting X or Y ?

    Hello, Is there a BEYOND effect for inverting X or inverting Y that can be enabled via Pangoscript? I.e. the same effect as "Invert X" in the Projector Settings dialog, but controllable via midi. Thanks!
  9. meeble

    effects on Projection Zones?

    Hi there, I have been experimenting with adding Effects to projection zones. While I can add color based effects to a zone - none of the oscillating effects like "Roto Z" seem to work for me. Any ideas? Thanks!
  10. D

    I really need some help creating a simple moving wave effect

    All I want to do is create a simple undulating sine wave effect slowly moving from left to right thats all. I want this for a show in showtime in creating. I have plenty of wave frames (static) but need the frame to move accross in an endlessly repeating wave. I know this is simple stuff but...
  11. F

    Scanrate Effect

    Hey Guys, Are there any way to use scan rate as effect, and use it for any cues and timeline? Fatih