
  1. nor

    Midi fade zones

    Hi, I´m looking for a way to fade 8 zones up and down via MIDI. One fader for each zone. And also assign clips to zones, which I´ve heard is possible. Can´t start Beyond where I am now, don´t have the FB3 here. So I can´t just figure it out myself either :-/ Side note: Why does Beyond need my...
  2. T

    Audio stops after few seconds - Timeline

    Hi there! Our team is slowly switching from LD2000 to Beyond. I have got the task to learn Beyond and set up our system. Unfortunatly I have an issue with audio that is being played back in the timeline (mp3 file). After a few seconds the audio of the whole system stops working. There is no...
  3. B

    Beyond Advanced - A/V Track file disappearing bug and missing audio channels

    Hi I've been trying to see if it would be feasible to use our Beyond PC for our Video and Audio playback (multi channel )following a master sync source. The sync and the video playback seem to be working ok, the issue's I'm facing are audio related. The first is a bug that randomly any...
  4. R

    beyond timeline with Reaper audio file

    Hello, Is it possible that you can import a Reaper audio file with markers into the beyond timeline? Of it possible only a .txt file with markers import in the show? thanks for your help! grtz
  5. F

    Trigger Effects in Beyond-Timeline

    Dear Pangolin Enthusiasts, I'm wondering what is the smartes solution to trigger effects on 'sound-effects' within Beyond-Timeline. In particular I'm creating a show and would like to 'visualize' gunshots within the chosen audio-file with a beam-cue. Because there are many shots it's pretty...
  6. A

    Problems rendering in Realizzer 3D

    I am having problems rendering in Realizzer 3D, it always renders around x4 of the real speed, I followed all the youtube tutorials but they don't seem to help. Thank in advance!
  7. Pangolin

    FBX troubles? Try the free viewer from AutoDesk

    Hi folks, As some of you know, BEYOND 3D includes the ability to import content created in other 3D programs, such as 3D Studio MAX and Cinema 4D, to name just a few. The import is done using an interchange file format called "FBX". This is a file format that is a kind of international...
  8. A

    Question about multiple lasers.

    Hi, I am looking to upgrade my system from one laser, too five lasers. Before buying the other lasers, I would like to play around with multiple lasers on beyond without actually having the FB3's. Is there a way where I can program my shows with multiple lasers without having the extra hardware...
  9. M

    export troble

    Hi there. I am masaki. at first, my English is not well. sorry. my problem is not exporting well. I am using BEYOND 2.1 Build 834 my condition is same this video. how can I do export with .lds file? regards masaki
  10. Mgould

    Jitter problem with APC 40 MK I

    While dicking around with the last problem, we discovered a new one: We had a slight jitter to scanned images. Not related to scan rate or anything we could pin down. Except it went away when we disconnected the APC 40. Sounds like some problem with the switcher PSU for the APC, but we checked...